In the century of digitalization, high-speed connectivity, and artificial intelligence, many countries do not have a stable internet connection or lack the necessary technical equipment. However, young people in these countries want to learn the secrets of technology.

We at AMORPH SYSTEMS believe that IT and technology are the future in many fields and that is why we help together with the FRIENDSHIFTS team to build a better future for the children of Togo.

The objective is to provide underprivileged teenagers in Togo with basic IT skills, which will help them acquire knowledge and will facilitate further studies.


We are extremely happy to be part of this extraordinary project and to bring joy and hope to the children of Togo. Technology is the future, so let’s give them an education for a better start in life.

Read the description of Marieke van der Laan, founder of the non-governmental organization FRIENDSHIFTS:

“As director of the NGO Friendshifts, let kids support kids, I highly appreciate our cooperation with Amorph Systems. It’s Amorphs’ mission to empower their clients to shape their future (with IT solutions). At another level, Amorph supports underprivileged teenagers to shape their future by enabling them to develop IT skills. A true expression of adaptability as Amorph claims to be. Thanks to their funds we were able to upgrade 5 computers and the internet connection and pay a trainer. In October we started a pilot course for basic IT skills with 10 participants. The youngsters first learn to communicate, from using Gmail to skype and zoom. Then they will discover where to find relevant information on the web, think of Wikipedia, online dictionaries, tutorials on YouTube. And finally, they will make a start with word processing. With these skills, the youngsters are ready to successfully start a study or vocational training. The first reactions of the participants were very encouraging, a new world opens up for them. Up to June 2022, we hope to train another 50 young Togolese and a group of school teachers. We are grateful for the trust and sincere involvement of the Amorph team. Do you want to know more about this project or about Friendshifts, please contact me at”

Did you like our story and want to be a part of it? Here you will find all the information you need and how you can help the beautiful children of Togo! Apart from donations, of course, you can help to increase the reach of Friendshifts on the internet by following and sharing their social media posts on Linked In, Facebook and Instagram.

We can be better together!